Whether You’re A Freelancer or An Employer, What You Need is Ureed.com

If 2020 has taught us anything with its perpetual stay-at-home orders and loathsome lockdowns, it’s this: (1) your home is your office, and (2) if you want to remain employable in this tough job market, you have to be versatile. In other words, sharpen your skill set and expand the repertoire of your competences.

“Sure, Beirutista,” you’re probably thinking to yourself, as you stroke your chin pensively. “I’m a seasoned web developer [or insert other specialty here]. I’ve got a decent internet connection. And I keep on piling new and catchy certifications. But how can I locate paid projects right up my alley? Better yet, where do employers track me down?”

Compelling questions. Allow me to introduce you to Ureed.com, an online marketplace where freelancers and employers can connect through facilitated channels. The idea is rather cunning: if you’re a freelancer, establish a profile on Ureed.com’s platform, populate it with a portfolio of your sample work, pitch for available projects, and once you secure them, enjoy the peace of mind of getting paid upon completion directly to your bank account.

Contrarily, if you’re an employer looking to hire an expert, tap into Ureed.com’s 54,000 vetted freelancers who have been vigorously tested by industry professionals. Rope in world-class talents in your field or sub-specialty, launch projects in four simple steps guided by Ureed.com’s seamless briefing process, set your budget, and liaise with your hired freelancer until his or her output meets your specifications (read on for a special USD 20-credit promo code when hiring your next freelancer!). If you’re a full-scale business looking to manage a large freelance workforce, you can even exploit Ureed.com’s enterprise solutions spanning everything from recruitment and onboarding to progress and performance reviews and payments.

Ureed.com, established in 2017 in Dubai, is an online marketplace where freelancers can rub elbows with employers.

Established in 2017 in Dubai, Ureed.com, which literally translates to “I want” in Arabic, initially sought to spotlight freelance content creators and translators to employers all around the world, the likes of which include Amazon, Wamda, Khan Academy, and Noon. As demand for freelance work soared, Ureed.com magnified its own offering by acquiring Nabbesh, accelerating the startup’s growth and featuring over 150 fields and specializations. Categories today include writing, sales & marketing, digital marketing & growth, graphics & design, technology & programming, audio/video & animation, business & consulting, admin support, engineering & architecture, and translation.

Seeking a grant writer? There are nearly 350 featured on Ureed.com. How about a CAD expert? Choose among 303 profiles. Game developers count 1,648, while marketing strategists number in the 400s. Indeed, Ureed.com platforms boast projects and freelancers from a wide variety of categories, and payments are rendered safely and securely.

A few weeks ago, I set out to create my freelancer account with Ureed.com, and I assure you the process is effortless. Devise a tagline; write a brief bio; enumerate your skills, educational degrees, and certificates; specify your language fluencies; note your availability and working hours; and state your hourly rate. You can even supplement your portfolio with samples of previous work and professional experiences. Once you flesh out your profile, start sifting through a myriad of projects by specialization and pay. When you do come across something compatible, submit a pitch, and sit back and see if any sparks fly!

Establishing a profile on Ureed.com is straightforward and easy. Populate it with samples of your work and your previous professional experience.

Convinced? Tarry not! The only thing standing between you and your next project is yourself. So if you want it, nay, if Ureed it, go get it! We all know that hindsight is 2020. Make 2021 the year of foresight, insight, but most certainly not oversight.


Christmas Offer: Just in time for Christmas! If you’re an employer looking to hire a freelancer, use promo code “Beirutista20” to obtain USD 20 worth of free credit to use on your next project. Promo code expires on 7 January 2021.

Get social: connect with Ureed.com on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


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