Massive July 4th Sale at Wesley’s Wholesale

What does it mean to be an American? What are some of the ideals cherished by the so-called Land of Opportunity?

Let’s rewind a bit, 242 years to be exact. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was ratified by the forefathers of the United States of America, proclaiming that “all men are created equal” and that they are endowed with inalienable rights among which are “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

These premises form the basis of the American dream, the profound belief that everyone has the opportunity to prosper and succeed, regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. Every year on July 4th, Americans celebrate Independence Day and more importantly a moral standard to which the United States should strive. This year will be no exception (even if POTUS’ questionable policies are in blatant contempt of the American dream. The system will eventually correct itself, right?!)

In happy tribute to America’s most reverenced holiday, Wesley’s Wholesale – a microcosm of the American shopping experience in Lebanon – is hosting an unbeatable five days of sale in “go big or go home” fashion, and judging by the size of its many bulk products, it’s going to be big, big, BIG! Beginning Wednesday July 4th through Sunday July 8th, nearly 250 items will be slashed for deep savings of up to 70% off listed prices.

Want some concrete examples? Let’s start in the kitchen, with a 7-piece Prestige block knife set on offer for LBP 39,500 ($26) down from LBP 59,000 ($39). Tramontina steak knives (12-ct.) are reduced from LBP 89,000 ($59) to LBP 51,000 ($34). Everything from Anolon pan sets to Circulon saucepans and stock pots will be sporting trim price tags. Since it is barbecue season, why not snatch up a Nexgrill tabletop gas BBQ (LBP 280,000/$187) or ColemanRoadtrip X-Cursion (LBP 424,000/$283) while prices are sizzling?

Pantry items are ablaze, too. Stokes Chili Ketchup, Vlasic HomestyleSweet Relish and Sauerkraut, Star sliced jalapenos, Red Robin Camp Fire BBQ sauce – in short, the perfect garnishes to the iconic Independence Day hamburger or hot dog – are on promotion! Snack on Sensible Portions Veggie Straws, Gardenof Eatin’ organic chips, Torres Sparkling Wine chips, and Terra veggie crisps also on special. Wash the lot down with Arizona Iced Tea (only $1 per 16-oz. bottle) or Old Mout Cider (500-ml for $1.70).

Check out the sheer variety of barbecue sauces at Wesley's!

Who said you can only nab Toblerone chocolate bars inside airports? You’ll find them cheaper at Wesley’s than in duty free, at LBP 5,500 ($3.70) per 360-g bar. Anthon Berg’s liqueur-filled chocolate sets are half off at LBP 17,500 ($11.70), while strawberry champagne patties are one-third their retail price, at LBP 7,700 ($5.10). All chocolate (not including Orange Label) is 50% off!

Pantry-size M&Ms? Oh, I'm game!

Calling all serial cereal consumers in the house! Kellogg’s decadent Extra Chocolate granola is on sale, as are Quaker variety packs, Jordan’s granola (50% off the entire brand!), Alpen Muesli, Bear Naked Maple Pecan Granola, Dorset Organic Muesli, General Mills Honey Nut Chex, Bob’s RedMill Granola, and Weetabix Crispy Minis. That’s a bunch of crunch in your munch, but a morning pick-me-up (aka Folgers Classic Roast coffee or Member's Mark French Vanilla Cappuccino) should dull the jaw soreness.

There’s literally something for everybody. Athletes, don’t overlook the protein bars, namely Rxbar, Quest Bar, and Kirkland Signature, as well as Body Glide anti-chafing sticks and balms (half-off!) for everyday use. Aspiring bakers, gather up Duncan Hines cake mixes paired with ready-made creamy chocolate frosting, and how about a drizzle of Mike's Hot Honey for a fiery kick! Just succumb to the fact that DIY won’t fetch you a worthy ROI this time.

Mike's Hot Honey (12-oz.) is discounted to about $13 a bottle

While you’re scaling Wesley’s megastore for these incredible bargains, head to the refrigerated aisles for summer’s favorite treat – ice cream! – in the form of Halo Top, Ben & Jerry’s, and other prominent brands. 

Vegans, fret not, as you’ll unearth a plethora of dairy-free, plant-based options suitable for your lifestyle, and I don’t exclusively mean ice cream. Start with shelves upon shelves of Pacific Foods products, which will quickly become your bread and dairy-free butter (okay, I tried!), what with beverages spanning almond, hemp, hazelnut, cashew, soy, rice, oat, and coconut.

Pacific Foods boasts a huge line-up of dairy-free beverages suitable for vegans

At Orange Label, discover a cookbook for vegans, as well as dairy-free chocolate

I’m out of breath, but trust me, you need to hop in-store to inspect the promotions yourself; there’s really no substitute. Plus, indulge in free samples daily, featuring the likes of Sangria Lolea (on sale, too!) and Daou wines at Orange Label in Hazmieh.

Get a taste of the American dream, that unchecked license to live free, be happy, and enjoy spectacular sales coupled with pleasurable shopping experiences. After all, no one does it better than the Americans. They practically invented the sale!

Hazmieh (Orange Label)
Blvd. Camille Chamoun
Antoine Gharios Center
01-289 555

01-834 411


Beirutista is Brand Ambassador at Wesley's Wholesale. What exactly does that mean? Well, if you liked this post, you can look forward to similar ones every month or so. I'll be blogging about a variety of exciting new projects Wesley's has underway, in addition to sneak peeks and product leaks! Expect cool new product giveaways from time to time, and if you're a real Wesley's obsessive like I am, I'll gladly hook you up with 10% off your next visit. Just shoot me a message at any one of my contact coordinates here.



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