Nutrition 101: Discovering the Ultimate (and Safe) Protein Bar

So much these days flies under the hazy umbrella of “health food.” Million-dollar expressions like “all-natural,” “no artificial flavors,” or “no added sugars” get flung around abusively and are no guarantee of a product’s true health composition. 

Which is why it’s imperative to analyze the nutrition facts and ingredients. On those rare occasions where the ingredients check out on paper, they manifest themselves poorly to our palates, quite simply tasting awful.

Ordinarily, I’m suspicious of protein bars. Their biblically-long ingredients lists read like a foreign language. Worse, they deposit a nasty chemical aftertaste in your mouth, leaving you convinced you’ve just noshed on synthetic. I’d rather have an innocent granola bar like Nature Valley’s, or if I’m really ambitious, I’ll splurge on Carman’s nutrient-rich muesli bars. But in both cases, the stars of the show are carbs, not protein.

So you can imagine my pleasant surprise when I happened upon PureFit bars, hailing from sunny Southern California. The bars boast an impressive 18g of protein with no GMOs (genetically-modified organisms), no artificial sweeteners, and best of all, no vile aftertaste. It’s the first high-protein bar that’s totally devoid of wheat, gluten and dairy, and it’s packed with wholesome, all-natural ingredients your body can process.

Bars come in 2-oz. (57g) servings and weigh in at 220-230 calories. For me, that would be a trim breakfast or an afternoon pick-me-up but certainly not a meal replacement. The various flavors PureFit takes on are equally delicious, though I’ve become fond of Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, which evokes cookie dough, and Berry Almond Crunch. There’s also Chocolate Brownie and Peanut Butter Crunch for the purists, but truth be told, they’re all enjoyable.

I spent some time exploring the PureFit website, and here’s more fodder for you. These bars are different from their competitors’ because they contain nearly three times as much protein and are free of hydrogenated oils, trans fats, sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners. In fact, the sugars in the bars emanate from brown rice and beet syrups, which makes them ideal for diabetics as well. Even kids can consume PureFit, which is my ultimate safety test.

Chocolate Brownie PureFit bar

I’ve seen these chewy bars in a variety of health stores in Beirut, like A New Earth in Achrafieh, as well as in shops and pharmacies throughout Hamra and Koraytem near the major universities. 

The most convenient and cost-effective method may be to order directly from the distributor, who will discount your purchase by 10% and deliver free within the capital. One bar comes out to LBP 4,500 (USD 3), which is the price of a Starbucks muffin. The nutritional composition, however, couldn’t be more different.

You’re welcome.

PureFit Lebanon


  1. Didn't try this bar before, it looks loaded with protein but what about Carbs??

    1. Total carbohydrates: 24g (8% RDA), of which sugars are 16g. Dietary fiber comprises 1-4g (4-15% RDA).

  2. Looks good, I HATE the taste of protein bars. Will keep my eyes open for this one :)

  3. My beef with power bars is that they don't have satiating power. And not many of us consume them judiciously.

    Consider this important principle in nutrition: During a meal, the stomach expands, and its nerve receptors sense the volume of food and the pressure on the stomach wall. These receptors send signals to the brain via the vagus nerve, causing the sensation of fullness. The volume of food from power bars is too small to make us feel full for an adequate amount of time.

    When we eat a power bar, we may get a fair amount of pick-me-up all right (along with the 230 calories), but most of us will feel hungry soon thereafter. The following regular meal plus the calories from the power bar will translate into bigger bellies and fatter derrieres over time.

    In separate news, The current world's per-capita leaders in diabetes are Saudi Arabia followed by U.A.E. Lebanon, with the little epidemiology we can muster at A.U.B., is actively vying for the crown. No pun intended.


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