Beirutista Invited Once Again For A Live TV Broadcast

Last week, I was invited for an interview on LBC’s B-Beirut daytime TV show. This is the second time the producers at LBC request my on-air presence to discuss the blog Beirutista. 

My first television appearance back in March delved into the vision of the blog, why I created it, and what it features. I remember being stricken with apprehension in the few days and hours before the show—what would the TV hosts ask? Would I sound articulate live on air? Would my Arabic fail me? I’m fluent, but I occasionally fumble for a word and must quickly revert to English.

Yours truly live on LBC's B-Beirut (29 July 2015)

This time, I approached the set with more confidence and self-assurance. Two of my recent pieces—Furn Beaino in Jounieh and the up-and-coming chocolatier Pierre Abi Haila—formed the focal topics of discussion. I have to say, though, ten minutes of talk time hardly allow you to dive to the depth you desire. The questions were admittedly general, and with the scope of the interview beyond my control, I couldn’t really steer the discussion in the direction I’d wanted. Oh, well! Any exposure is beneficial and appreciated.

Below is the segment (sans English subtitles, I’m afraid). Do let me know what you think! 


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