Beirutista Interviewed on Live TV Broadcast

Early this week, I was contacted by the segment producer for BBeirut on Lebanese TV station LBC Sat. BBeirut is a lifestyle and pop culture program that airs daily from 1:30 – 4 pm local time, and I was being invited to come on the show and discuss my blog Beirutista.

If I've learned anything from Sir Richard Branson, the visionary behind Virgin, it is this: “If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you’re not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.”

With butterflies in my stomach and very little guidance on how to prepare, I giddily accepted. I've never been featured on television before, and though public speaking is something I've grown reasonably comfortable with, I was nervous. Besides, I consider myself more eloquent in English, so holding an extended conversation on-air in Arabic gave me a little fright.

Yesterday I went to the film set of BBeirut an hour in advance, got coiffed and made up by the efficient  grooming-squad, and before I could manage to lose my bearings, we went live!

Without further ado, here’s the 20-minute clip. Now you can put a face and voice to the prose I craft here! (For all you non-Arabic speakers, I apologize for the lack of subtitles.) 

On a closing note, I want to thank you, my dear readers and staunch supporters, for continuing to read my rambles and instilling your confidence in me time and time again. It’s what keeps this online diary alive and steadily thriving. I couldn't be more grateful for your audience. 


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