Have You Met Roberto?

Below is an excerpt from a piece I authored for Beirut.com:

There’s a new restaurant in town, and it goes by the name of Harry’s Bar. A storied establishment first opened by the Cipriani family in Venice in 1931, Harry’s Bar has grown into a global brand with outlets all around the world. Lucky Beirut, it counts the most recent addition. The bar and restaurant is credited with inventing the Bellini, a peach purée muddled with Prosecco, as well as introducing carpaccio—thinly-shaved meat or fish—to the world of appetizers.

Every self-professed gourmet knows that an Italian meal is incomplete without a robust wine to wash it down, and Head Sommelier Roberto Galli at Harry’s Bar Beirut abides by this truth. Originally an independent contractor for Ferrari, Galli enrolled in oenology courses by night, earning his certification in three years’ time. His friend owned a wine bar where he’d moonshine on weekends and improve his flair.

In the video below, Roberto decants wine:

You can read the full article here. A food review of Harry's Bar Beirut will be featured on the blog next week, so stay tuned!


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