Six Blogger Types You're Sure To Run Into Online

Almost as soon as you become an active blogger and immerse yourself in the greater blogosphere, you start to pick up on “unique” blogging personalities darting around you. Now I’m not usually one to form stereotypes or fit people into boxes, but there are some prevalent blogger types out there that can readily be detected! Disclaimer : Don’t get me wrong—I’m not here to pass judgment, nor will I illustrate any of these categories with examples. Each of us subscribes to different blogs anyway, so references are meaningless. See if you can recognize any of these characters in your blog-roll! The moneyed show-offs . They plaster you with their outfits of the day which happen to comprise painfully expensive labels. Oh, and for a backdrop? They’re either alighting from a Porsche Cayenne, or they’re standing inside their family’s palatial living quarters. It’s not the wealth that makes me wince. It’s the ostentatious, in-your-face attitude they use to pass off their privi...