Dunkin Dishing Out A Whole Lot More Than Donuts

In the US, their slogan is “America runs on Dunkin.” Having lived in Boston for a couple of years and spotted Dunkin Donuts outlets bustling within mere blocks of each other, I can confirm the foregoing. In Lebanon, they may not be as ubiquitous, but their prominence is unmistakable. Numbering 30 outlets—that’s nearly double the count of Starbucks—and occupying prime locations in malls and shopping centers, Dunkin Donuts are the haunt of both Coolatta-loving teenagers and black-coffee-sipping professionals.

The donut display at Dunkin Donuts Downtown (Martyrs' Square)

I’ve always found the consistency of donuts in Lebanon to be substantially lighter than their American counterparts. The round pastries don’t strike you as cloyingly sweet, and you don’t get that fried aftertaste lingering on your palate. I’m not going to pretend to make a case for their nutritional benefits, but they’re certainly no worse than éclairs now, are they?

The great news is that Dunkin Donuts Lebanon offers a decent croissant and bagel breakfast fix that has recently been promoted through the campaign #MyBBF, or "My Best Breakfast Forever." Every conceivable combination of egg, cheese and turkey can be stuffed inside a pleasant golden-brown croissant, with fresh veggies as garnish and a lick of mustard for good measure. The croissants are delectable, not leaving a trace of oil on your fingers and perfectly tucking in all ingredients without fail.  

Egg, turkey and cheese croissant garnished with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and olives

Up close and personal

Bagels come in plain, oat, and poppy seed varieties, and there’s a myriad of filling possibilities you can get creative with. The classic is rich cream cheese either solo or paired with wild berry jam or a slice of deli turkey. Again, locally-baked bagels are less doughy than their American cousins, so their calorie content is no cause for alarm.

Oat bagel

Oat bagel slathered with cream cheese and layered with a slice of deli turkey and veggies

It’d be a little ironic if I overlooked the heart of the Dunkin Donuts experience, that liquid black gold more familiarly known as a cup of joe. The Original Blend is very delicate to the point where it feels light on your stomach. It’s nowhere near as intense as Starbuck’s roasts, so it’s probably wiser to avoid comparing those two beverage behemoths. I’ll just say that if you like a more subtle coffee, DD’s is worth your time. I’ve already bought a few bags of their ground coffee to brew at home!

A cup of Original Blend coffee

On a side note, I’d love to see a wider array of donut types at Dunkin Donuts, including old-fashioned cake donuts resembling flying saucers, and yeast donuts, both the sugar-glazed and Twists. The former have an irregular sort of indented ring shape, whereas the latter are soft and pillowy. Both are heavenly.

Old-fashioned donuts

Sugared yeast donuts


  1. do you have any branch in tripoli?
    في شي فرع بطرابلس؟

    1. Hi Lina, all the branch outlets are posted on ddlebanon.com/about.php. I think the nearest to Tripoli is Batroun.


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